“Your Extended Family”
TALK TO US ON 9639 2596 OR 0448 279 966
Hours of operation:
Monday to Friday 7:00am - 6:00pm
Stop, Drop n’ Roll Fire Education
We continually educate the children in fire and hazard safety. We practice monthly fire drills, teach the children to ‘Stop, Drop n’ Roll’, role model how to phone ‘000’ in an emergency. We organise an annual visit from the local fire truck and the firefighters assist us to educate the children on fire safety.
Visit by NSW Police Service
On an annual basis we invite the Youth Liaison Officer from the local area police commence to visit our centre to talk with the children about safety.
Adhoc Incursions
Throughout the year we invite third party incursion operators to visit Kidz Place to present to the children.
GrowFit (additional cost paid directly by parents to GrowFit)
The GrowFit Preschool Fitness Program involves a series of creative, themed, physical activity sessions that encourage children to enjoy a fun, healthy and balanced lifestyle. GrowFit visits Kidz Place ELC once a week during school terms.