“Your Extended Family”
TALK TO US ON 9639 2596 OR 0448 279 966
Hours of operation:
Monday to Friday 7:00am - 6:00pm
At Kidz Place we are passionate about learning and development and we understand the importance of play in children’s learning. Research shows us that all learning domains are stimulated through play. Children develop on their Cognitive and creative, Social and emotional, Wellbeing, Physical and language outcomes when engaging in play. We are dedicated to creating engaging play – based learning environments for our children that are planned around their interests, abilities, strengths, individual ideas, knowledge and cultures. We understand that children mature at different rates and are unique in their characteristics, temperaments, needs and learning styles. Through careful observations, conversations and family input we create learning spaces that are child initiated, structured, spontaneous, as well as offering opportunities for intentional teaching. We feel children’s voices are very important and so we give the children opportunities to have input into the learning program. We acknowledge learning can happen in any part of our day including our routines. We see our children as competent, capable, creative, responsible, resourceful and resilient. Our learning approach is holistic and encompasses language development, Cognitive stimulation, gross and fine motor development, Self-help and Independence skills, Social, emotional and self-regulation success as well as Spiritual and Moral growth.
Our program is underpinned by our commitment to the United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child and we respect each child’s right to play and leisure opportunities.